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Sensible Weather named one of Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies in the World

Trusted by leading hospitality brands
The Sensilble Advantage

Growth is in the forecast

  • 5-19%Increase in booking conversion

  • 55%Guests more satisfied with their stay

  • 9%Average increase in revenue

More bookings

Increase direct booking conversion

Experience a 5-19% increase in booking conversion when offering a Weather Guarantee within the online booking flow.

Fast, proactive payouts No claims, no hassle
Key West, FL79°FMostly Cloudy
Added value
Grow revenue

On average, partners see a 9% increase in revenue due to the added Weather Guarantee option. Plus, guests spend more on-site after receiving their reimbursement.

Happier guests
Exceed guest expectations

55% of guests report higher satisfaction levels as a result of the Weather Guarantee.

Lake Eeie, NY86°FMostly clear
Don't take our word for it

“Activating Sensible’s Weather Guarantee in our RevRaise booking flow was a quick and easy way to enhance our guest experience and open a new ancillary revenue stream for our hotels. It’s an easy lay-up for any hotel and can be flipped on in a single day.”

— George Allen General Manager, Noble House Hotels & Resorts

Offering Weather Guarantees showcases our innovative approach to hospitality as a South Florida resort property. We provide peace of mind that extends beyond sunny days, effectively ‘hurricane-proofing’ our guests’ experiences. This initiative not only boosts revenue and guest satisfaction by proactively addressing their needs but also ensures a seamless stay despite unpredictable weather.

— TJ Pierri General Manager, Pelican Grand
The ultimate win-win

More revenue and booking conversion improvements, all while your guests get proactive reimbursements for bad weather.

  • No cost to implement
  • No operational lift
  • Sensible handles all payouts
  • Easy, seamless integration
Getting Started

Easy, no cost integration

Discover how Sensible Weather works with your existing booking platform or browse our network of integration partners to see what options are already available.

76°FClear skies South Padre Island, TX
Connect with our team

Want to learn more about how Weather Guarantees can help your business? Schedule a call with a member of our Partnerships team today!