- For Business ›
- Online Travel Agencies (OTAs)
Turn weather worries into revenue drivers
Increase direct bookings, revenue, and guest loyalty with a Weather Guarantee add-on.
Growth is in the forecast
Weather Guarantees increase booking conversion and ancillary revenue while delivering customer experience benefits.
5-19%Increase in booking conversion
55%Guests more satisfied with their stay
9%Increase in revenue
Increase direct booking conversion
Experience a 5-19% increase in booking conversion when offering a Weather Guarantee within your online booking flow.

Exceed traveler expectations
55% of guests report higher satisfaction as a result of the Weather Guarantee.
Grow revenue
On average, partners see a 9% increase in revenue due to the added Weather Guarantee option.

Answers to frequently asked questions
Easy, No Cost Integration
Discover how Sensible Weather works with your existing booking platform or browse our network of integration partners to see what options are already available.

Connect with our team
Want to learn more about how Weather Guarantees can help your business? Schedule a call with a member of our Partnerships team today!